Stilettos report


Mother's Day Shoe Clips

With Mother's Day quietly sneaking up on us, we are left with the usual question: "What will I give to my mom this year?". I bought my mom earrings last year, a dazzling outfit from Talbots in 2009, chocolate and jewelry in 2008, a handbag in 2007 and the list goes on. The one thing that I haven't gotten my mom in a while though is some shoe love... So this year I had her pick her favorite shoe clips and I shipped them to her in Athens Greece where she lives. She is getting a pair of Sabrina black satin shoe clip bows, one pair of multi color rhinestone Aurelia shoe clips, and one pair of Amelia fuchsia shoe clip flowers. Fun Fun!
So for all of you my lovely ladies, I just updated the website with the Free Shipping Offer for Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Michelle @Pen and Hive said...

I love this site! A couple of years ago while sorting out the estate of a relative and planning the sale I came upon a box of vintage shoe clips and had no idea what they were until a friend told me. They're my new favorite thing!